Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
Women are the best sources of mutual support! Every week we will take turns convening and creating a sacred space, followed by a simple routine of individual storytelling and compassionate listening:
What is disturbing your sense of peace?
A gratitude share: What has been peaceful or is on the road to being so?
What intention of yours can we, as a group, support for next week?
Each week we leave the turmoil and density of our routines, to generate self- care and peaceful community. Together we create a warm and loving space for becoming more conscious of how we create peace for ourselves, our community, and the world.
This is not an advice and critique exercise - it is a way of learning how to center peace-making in your personal life, starting with yourself, and holding space for others on the same path.
If you would like to add peace-practice to your life, this is a gentle entry point. And what could be more delicious than the company of conscious, engaged women!
Facilitator: Alyson Miller
90 Minutes, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Sundays starting January 10, 2021
Space Limited Reserve Your Spot Now!
Placing peace at the center of your life - with Practice, E A Compassion, and Engagement - assures that you will make a positive impact with your life. As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches, Peace is in Every Step!
Aligning your actions with the values that mean most to you brings a powerful sense of purpose and personal peace into your life. Whether it be a personal project, a social justice initiative or a social impact venture - the more your way of showing up in the world reflects conscious focus on being peaceful and bringing more peace, the more meaningful it will become.
This step-by-step course combines personal goal-setting with entrepreneurial strategies and tactics to take you through a thoughtful planning process so that whatever you choose to do next - it has the best chance of making meaningful impact in the world.
This is our signature course - the place to begin on the path to Making Peace Personal.
Under the layers of so much “doing” and stressing and self-limited thinking - are you feeling “not like yourself?” Are you at peace?
With the Pandemic still raging and so much uncertainty about things we take for granted, it is no wonder. What if instead you actually shift from a default of reactiveness, feel the creative power and opportunity in all this chaos, and view every step forward from a sense of personal power?
This may seem like a strange time to conduct a life review. But what is a better use of your time than to make peace personal? Getting back in touch with who you really are and clear on how you want to walk in the world is to prepare a foundation (or patch up a cracked one) for “being” not just doing. Think of it though - wouldn’t life feel more peaceful and the possibilities more plentiful, when you re-center yourself consciously on what matters most to you?
We start with where you are right NOW. We release the regrets about missed opportunities or unfulfilled dreams - then with self-compassion achieve acceptance of the present moment.
Each week you will be guided through one exercise that is fun, freeing, and revealing of a pathway forward. Bit by bit - in a supportive and heart-centered group - you will remember who you really are and envision the personal changes or projects to make your soul sing again.
We are a support group, a market research group, a Board of Advisors all in one - led by an experienced personal growth and entrepreneurial consulting team of 30 years, the founders of Venture Growth.
By the end of the 5 weeks you will be able to tell a different, empowered life story and use it as a litmus for feeling peaceful with your choices, decisions and actions going forward.
If you want continued support and accountability for implementing a life change, new project or venture, you can continue in Conscious Creation or TellYourStory as Legacy. You can also secure one-on-one consulting at any time.
So we ask you: if not now, WHEN? Let’s increase your peace, and give you another reason to jump out of bed in the morning with purpose and excitement.
2 Hours, weekly, Thursdays. 9:30am-11:30 am starting January 14, 2021
Space is limited - reserve your spot now!