Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
Let’s review the GUIDELINES
It’s really easy to think of all the things that disrupt our sense of well-being these days. And somehow the more we talk, the less we feel heard. Can you agree that the state of our world is crying out for peace?
If your answer is yes! Yes! YES! we welcome you into our new community centered in LOVE, PEACE & STORIES. Share your personal experiences in making peace with common life challenges. Let’s see if, together, we can heal the separations and rediscover our interconnectedness.
STORY FORMS: Exercise your creativity! Your story can take the form of text, visual files or audio media (jpg/png/MP4).
Text (personal narrative, poetry) is submitted through our online form here.
Visual and audio files (art, photography, videos, songs) are submitted through our online form here.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: While you retain Copyright to your submissions, when your story is submitted via one of the above forms you are granting a FREE, unrestricted license to Tell Your Story Global, LLC to: 1) edit your submission for length or style; 2) post on the TYS website; 3) promote in whole or part on TYS social channels and other media; and 4) include your submission in anthology or print form. Appropriate attribution to you as Copyright owner/author will always be included.
Wantt to know what makes a great story and increases your chances of being published? Read our tips here.
In addition, every submission must comply with the following guidelines
Submission Guidelines:
You must provide your real name and email address to submit a story. We do not accept anonymous submissions and spammers will be deleted and blocked.
Stories and guest posts must be yours to share. Please be personal. Do not share anyone else’s story or intellectual property.
No commercial or promotional posts / comments of any kind without written permission of TYS.
All stories, posts and comments should be consistent with the purpose of this community. Anything deemed to be off-topic, unkind, divisive or spammy will be deleted without warning.
No fees are paid to writers for submitted stories. If selected for publication, all stories in all media forms, will carry the owner’s name, country of origin, and a link to the writer’s website or primary email address (your choice).
We do not guarantee publication. Our editors will review and select submissions that best reflect our purpose and principles and the current topic. We retain the right to replace images submitted accompanying text stories with images of our own choosing.
If you have an off-topic suggestion for a peacemaking story, please contact info@TellYourStory.com BEFORE submission to see if the editors have interest. We may have a future topic in the editorial calendar that suits your idea.
Your story should be a maximum length of 1000 words. Shorter is better. :)